Vitamin D3

Kategória: Nezaradené
Vitamín D3

This vitamin is also called the sunshine vitamin because we get  90% of it from sunshine.

In Slovakia and elsewhere in Europe, we have a shortage of vitamin D3 because its supply from  summer tanning lasts us just for a few weeks or months. We need the vitamin D3 for absorbtion of calcium into our body. Without vitamin D3 calcium cannot properly work in the body.

What is vitamin D3?

Vitamin D3 is a naturally occurring form of vitamin D, which is produced in the skin by sunlight. Its most important role is to maintain the proper levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, which are essential for bone development and growth in childhood and bone recovery in adulthood. Vitamin D3 is also involved in several immune processes, regulation of blood pressure and the growth of the blood, muscle, and skin cells. Vitamin D3 affects more than 200 processes in our body and its importance is confirmed by numerous studies. Only small amount of food products is a source  of vitamin D and based on the latest research,  we are able to absorb only 10% vitamin D from a diet. Vitamin D is present for example in the flesh of fatty fish such as salmon, tuna fish, sardines, mackerel and in an oil from their liver. Small amounts of vitamin D can be also found in beef liver, egg yolk, milk, dairy products, yeast, mushrooms dried on he sun, cocoa and coconut. Thus the sunshine is the main source of vitamin D (about 90%). During one day on the sun almost 1,200 micrograms of vitamin D (1 ppm = 40 I.U) can be formed. The daily dose of vitamin D in an adult should be based on several factors and it is in the range from 100 to 2,000 I.U.

Several factors affect the absorbtion of vitamin D. Because the main source of vitamin D is a sunshine and the sun does not shine intensively throughout the year a critical period of the year, with a risk of lack of vitamin D, is from November till February. The newborns and infants cannot be greatly exposed to the sun and thus they take, in the first year of life, the vitamin D in the form of drops. Currently, almost 60% of poupulation in all age groups suffer from the lack of vitamin D. Half of the people have the level of this vitamin in extremely low level. Another reason for the lack of vitamin D3 may be a smog, which transmits solar radiation in limited quantities, as well as the use of protective sunscreen agents. Age also plays its role in this process, because older people have reduced ability to accept the vitamin D during their stay in the sun. Similarly,  the people with naturally higher pigmentation or people with tanned skin have lower ability to accept the vitamin D.

What is affected by the use of calcium, vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 intake?

Pevné kosti

Strong bones


Beautiful teeth

Pruzne cievy

Resilient vessels


Healthy heart

Silne svaly

Strong muscles


Good immune system

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