Growth pain

Kategória: Rastové bolesti
Rastové bolesti

Growth pain is felt mostly in childhood and adolescence. In these periods of life, the body can grow up by several centimeters in a month. This rapid growth may be accompanied by pain, and children use to complain about it and it tends to wake them at night. There is an increased need of daily intake of calcium during more rapid bone growth, which is also called the growth spurt. The appropriate supplementation of calcium and vitamin D3  can alleviate  the growth pain.

How much calcium should be taken in childhood and adolescence per day?

 AgeRecommended daily dose of calcium
Source: Society for Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Disease, Slovak Medical Society
Children0 – 6 months400 mg
6 months – 1 year600 mg
1 – 5 years800 mg
6 - 10 yearsfrom 800 to 1 200 mg
Adolescents11 – 24 yearsfrom 1 200 to 1 500 mg

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