Healthy heart Vitamin K2 contributes to proper functioning of cardiovascular system. We are not able to get enough of vitamin K2 from diet and thus we should ensure to get its sufficient amount from nutritional (…Read more…)
Calcium in children Childhood and puberty is critical in the bone formation. What can you do for the health of your children? For strong and healthy bones, it is important to keep healthy lifestyle especially (…Read more…)
Healthy bones The bone is not an inanimate matter, but a living organism. It is composed of organic matter and 30% of it is responsible for bone elasticity. The remaining 70% of the bone matter (…Read more…)
Every woman needs calcium! But do we also need vitamin K2 and vitamin D3? Why calcium does not work properly without these strong allies? And what the role do they have in our body? Calcium, (…Read more…)
This vitamin is also called the sunshine vitamin because we get 90% of it from sunshine. In Slovakia and elsewhere in Europe, we have a shortage of vitamin D3 because its supply from summer tanning (…Read more…)
Do you know why our body needs calcium? Why is it important to have calcium level under control? How do you determine whether your body has enough calcium? Calcium is the basic building component (…Read more…)