I am informed

Kategória: Nezaradené

The studies Vitamin D – a hormone that we lack Doc. Mgr. Eva Račanská, PhD. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Bratislava Most people associate vitamin D with osteoporosis, since its intake is required (…Read more…)

Seniorský vek


Kategória: Nezaradené

People older than 65 years have usually multiple health problems connected with older age and they undergo more regular check-ups by medical specialists than they were undergoing in their active age. The number of pills (…Read more…)



Kategória: Nezaradené

Every woman is young and beautiful if she feels good and takes care of herself. The goal is to make it last as long as possible. Nowadays it is nothing extraordinary for a 60 or 70 (…Read more…)

Aktívny vek

Active age

Kategória: Nezaradené

The current trend of a healthy lifestyle not only contributes to our overall health, but also has a significant impact on our bones. Although heredity plays the considerable role in our health, there are still (…Read more…)



Kategória: Nezaradené

Calcium is an important component of bones. The body stores calcium mostly during childhood and adolescence, up until 25-35 years of age.  The maximum recorded mineral content in the bones is called PBM – Peak (…Read more…)



Kategória: Nezaradené

A critical period for bone formation is childhood and puberty. Healthy lifestile, especially healthy diet, adequate and sufficient physical activity and safe stay at the sun are important for our strong and healthy bones. Calcium (…Read more…)