A varied and balanced diet is the best thing we can do for our bodies. We are getting all necessary vitamins and minerals that are important for proper functioning from a diet. But what if (…Read more…)
Bone is a living organism and, fortunately, has an amazing ability to regenerate. It is constantly in the process of breakdown and formation of new bone tissue and old bone can be fully restored in (…Read more…)
Our body needs daily intake of vitamins and minerals for proper functioning of various processes. Thus we should have assorted and balanced diet. How does it work in a real life? Many people lean to (…Read more…)
You want the best for yourself and for your baby. There is no doubt about it. Pregnancy, but also breastfeeding are the periods of life with increased demands on women. It is exactly in these (…Read more…)
Growth pain is felt mostly in childhood and adolescence. In these periods of life, the body can grow up by several centimeters in a month. This rapid growth may be accompanied by pain, and children (…Read more…)
Osteoporosis (bone thinning) is a metabolic bone disorder in which bone mass decreases, and this disorder of bone structure increases the risk of fractures. The critical periods for risk of osteoporosis are particularly menopause and (…Read more…)